Welcome High Achievers Who Want to Get More S#!T Done!

You want to get more done on your To Do List so you can get on with the fun stuff!
You've tried every time management trick in the book and you're still behind.
You've come to the right place.


In this Special Report you will:

  • Learn why time management hasn't worked for you
  • Learn your superpower to get things done faster and easier
  • Identify personal road blocks that have secretly been derailing you at critical times
  • Learn the five keys to peak productivity and satisfaction
  • Get into action on what really matters to you most
  • Start the process to learn to spin time out of thin air!

You’re not alone! We’ve assisted thousands of dedicated, high performing professionals, just like you, to get more done, with greater ease. They totally surprise themselves with how easy and satisfying massive results can be. More importantly, "me time", self care, time with loved ones and passion projects get put back into the mix too. Get more done and have way more fun in the process.

Submit your name and email address in the form to the left and I'll send you the Special Report ... PLUS some surprises to help you quickly get into action on what fulfills you most.


Meet Your Coach


Kathleen Peterson

Kathleen Peterson is a Human Performance and Life Style Coach (or rather, Muse) who works with unintentional workaholics like you to transform your over-extended life into a calm, productive, balanced flow to create the life of your dreams and produce remarkable results.

Kathleen supports burned-out professionals who have worked hard to create a fabulous career but now long to free themselves to create an encore lifestyle on their own terms; whether it is starting something totally new because retirement is on the horizon, a post-Covid pivot (because everything changed in 2020) or finally launching a passion they’ve dreamed of doing for years.

With Kathleen's programs, they find the time and passion to do what they really want to do with the rest of their life, by crystallizing their plan (that includes plenty of breathing room), constructing the ideal structures to guide success and maximizing times of peak productivity.

Kathleen’s early experience selling Radio Advertising trained her in the art being proactive and creative about producing results. She was even the writer and voice-over talent for many of her clients’ commercials.

As the Participation Manager for one of the largest personal growth companies in the world, she managed large teams, worked with leaders to support their taking control of their growth, expansion and the empowerment of others. It was in this job, Kathleen learned the art of deep listening to be the best catalyst to support others to manifest their most heart-felt goals.

Her experience as a performance coach in fortune 500 corporations taught her the value of collaboration, leading from one’s strengths and utilizing constructive conflict resolution. She also learned how to be a catalyst for high productivity for each individual, regardless of their role. Some of her clients were Illinois Tool Works Inc., FGIC and White Castle System, Inc. Here she honed her skills in marketing, sales, finances and the fine art of collaborating with various expert partners to achieve success quickly.

Kathleen also worked with strong manufacturers like Slide Products Inc., Thermal-Tech System Inc. and Maddock Industries, Inc. where Kathleen helped to grow the bottom line through the biggest asset–the people. She showed individuals and groups how to remain high performers unified around a common goal. And, she empowered each stakeholder to sustain a rich and fulfilling life incorporating a satisfying balance of work, life, play and rest.

Her coaching clients have realized positive gains in multiple areas of their personal and business lives including being unstoppable, moving personal passion project to the finish line with order, focus, structures, communication skills, and empowering relationships . She further built on her strengths and experiences to create a life and work of fun, flexibility, energy, contribution and financial reward.

Want to explore if we’re the perfect fit to transform your time and finally bring your passion project(s) to life?
Book your complimentary, 30 minute, no obligation Vision to Reality session.

Schedule an appointment

Coaching Packages


Customized Private Coaching

You're up to big things, a high performer and you're stretched to capacity. You also have talents, gifts, goals, and frustrations that are unique to only you!

Together, we will guide you to your own best practices and provide tools to melt any obstacle so you can focus on the success of your own design with plenty of time for critical thinking and rest...

Time to create a life that is balanced, productive, and meaningful; a career or vocation that is fulfilling, productive and satisfying, coupled with a personal life that is exceptionally robust and joyous.

I promise that you take action on your passion projects that have been on the back burner for longer than you care to admit.

You will exceed your goals for this engagement and be thrilled with your coaching experience. I promise.

Transformation begins at our first meeting and builds momentum with each subsequent coaching session.

Align your passions, talents and self-expression to launch a key endeavor, start your encore career or just get your grove back with sessions designed to keep results rolling in with increasing ease!


Maximum Impact Engagement – Set yourself up for a major shift in your work, play and living your magical life within six months

Total Transformation Engagement – Invest a year and we will transform your entire life – Twelve months

Whatever your goals, I promise we will have fun creating magic together.

Are you ready?

Let's do this!



Would you like to learn how to spin time out of thin air?
      • Time to finally complete your work...
      • Time to hone your skills...
      • Time to work on those projects that always get pushed to the back burner (at home and work)...
      • Time to breathe and collect your thoughts...
      • Time to listen to your own pearls of wisdom through critical thinking...
      • Time to do anything or nothing and not feel guilty about it.

This eight-week program, rich with group dynamics is a great place to start...

Participants of this program walk away with:
      • A complete shift in performance and results
      • Structures that support laser focus
      • A transformation in previous procrastination
      • A new-found confidence in producing exemplary results
      • An ease with forwarding important projects


Small Manufacturer's Culture Shift Engagement



Sustaining a Culture of
High Performance & Collaboration
Through Engaged and Empowered Employees

To achieve high performance, employees learn to engage or expand a series of best practices, including but not limited to: organization, time management, planning, clear communicating, and exemplary leadership (regardless of one's position).

Each team member learns to partner with fellow staff to fulfill the Company’s vision, even during moments of conflict.

We focus on bringing out the best in each individual through strength-based leadership development.

Our clients master high performance at work, combined with a healthy balance of work, life, play and rest to ensure sustainability.

This opens new possibilities for employee satisfaction and engagement. With the talent, skill sets, best practices of your people, we support you to create a culture that nurtures partnership and personal ownership.

In short, we help you transform your staff from overwhelmed, disorganized, stressed (and sometimes upset) workers into thriving, high-performing and successful stakeholders and leaders.

We meet each member of your team at their level and work systematically toward unilateral high performance from all members.

Equinox Associates uses practical, applied-learning techniques to make it easy for all participants to apply what they learn and implement changes immediately.

This practical approach elicits sustainable change, from your top talent to any weak link.


Want to explore transforming your team?
Book your complimentary, 30 minute, no obligation Vision to Reality session.

Schedule an appointment





• Feeling stuck and frustrated, knowing you need a change, but you don't have the time to start.

• Your "perfect life" seems to slip through your fingers but falls into the laps of the people around you.

• You want more than anything, to do something meaningful with your life, but you feel like it's impossible. (Instead, you've resigned yourself to settling for a decent j-o-b that pays the bills.)